A New Website, “The Orthodox Archive,” Exposes Heresies Among World Orthodox Leaders

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A new website known only as “The Orthodox Christian Archive” at https://www.theorthodoxarchive.org/ has come to our attention; it is a great site for documenting the history of ROCOR and its relationship with the Greek True Orthodox (“Old Calendarists”), as well as various related subjects.  It includes many difficult to find documents organized into one place.

At this point, there we have no knowledge of who or what administers and runs the site or uploads the material.  One can find anything from the 1962 Minutes of the ROCOR meeting concerning the Consecration of True Orthodox Bishops by ROCOR Bishops to former OCA Metropolitan, Jonah (Pafhaussen) teaching that the heretic, Francis of Assissi, is a “Saint”!
During this time in which much of the documented history of the Heresy of Ecumenism, its progress and entrenchment at the highest levels of the “Official Patriarchates” and allied bodies, the heroic resistance of the True Orthodox for nearly 100 years against this heresy, is being hidden, obscured, ignored, or even outright denied, it is refreshing that a website has been created to collate the massive amount of material needed to get further from propaganda and closer to historical truth.  We pray and hope this work continues and is used to encourage Orthodox Christians in their defense of the Faith against the Heresy of Ecumenism.
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