Consequences of the Meeting Between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill by Serbian Patriarchate Archimandrite, Fr. Nikodim (Bogosavljevic)

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Original Serbian

Dr. Archimandrite Nikodim (Bogosavlvjevic)

He that is unjust let him be unjust still; and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still…Behold, I come soon. (Rev. 22:11, 12)


The significance and consequences of the meeting between Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis, in terms of its spiritual content and scale, are historical, ecumenical, and apocalyptic-eschatological. “In our previous text about this meeting [1], we did not elaborate/expand on the obvious fact: that it (the meeting) could not have happened without prior consultation between patriarch Kiril with the Russian president Vladimir Putin and their subsequent agreement.” Most likely, until then, it could not take place without the consent of the President, and it is quite clear that the initiator of this event derived from the President, who wanted it to be in front of the international community to gain support from two major religious leaders for the involvement of the Russian Army in Syria.  This is confirmed by the news published on the eve of the meeting: “In an attempt to defend Christians in the Middle East and other parts of world where they are persecuted, Pope Francis wants to ask for the help of Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to Pope Francis, Putin is ‘the only one that can  unite the Catholic Church in defense of the Christians in the East.’ It is important to join efforts with Russia in order to preserve Christianity in all parts of the world where it is threatened,” said Pope Francis, in the reports of Zurnal d’Dmianche. [2]  “For doctors in the social sciences from the Institute of Political Studies, Zoran Milosevic, there is no doubt. To create the conditions that that meeting can take place required the personal involvement of Russian President Vladimir Putin.” [3]  After the meeting, in this respect, Mr. Vladimir Vasiliki does not hide the disappointment: “In the present case, I consider this meeting as our defeat. God knows the causes for which His Holiness Patriarch Kirill took this trip. Maybe it was in order not to be left out. But, in any case, this meeting appears in many of its items to be unsatisfactory.” [4]

Based on the foregoing, it can be indirectly deducted that both President Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Kirill had great hopes laid up for the “Joint Declaration” of the Patriarch and the Pope, with the aim of supporting the policy of Russia’s military involvement in Syria and the Middle East, under the guise of concern for the killing and persecution of Christians.

However, I. Druze believes that Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate have created a lot of damage by this meeting. Starting from the fact that after the Second Vatican Council, the Papacy “has become a global political power of a liberal orientation,” which he has in a detailed analysis show that, that many are hoping for support and help from the Pope, especially after the last meetings with V. Jeruzelski, M. Gorbachev, and L. Kuchman, as well as the role of the Vatican in recent events in Ukraine. To this we must add the fact that the Kiev Majdan began just a week after the visit of V. Putin to the Pope Francis in the Vatican, 25. 11. 2013 [5].

Finally, speaking about the situation in Russia, I Druze states what the conseque3nces will be for it, caused by the meeting of the Pope and the Patriarch and upcoming ‘Great Synod’ in Crete:

“To direct the security interests of Russia in the near future, these meetings will mean:

-A great explosion of ecumenical contact with clergy of different religions, i.e., in practice and increase in direct and indirect recruitment of citizens by the Russian Federation Foreign Services, the facilitation for Russia’s ‘quarry’, across the face and likeness of things Ukrainian, which means, as mentioned above, a liberal and ecumenical character;

-A shift in ideological issue positions, which will have a major impact on citizens of the Russian Federation. Because the Moscow Patriarch begins to recognize other religions, entering into communion with them, it shall be, in effect, the ending of a unique Russian civilization from Russian history. Because in many ways, Russia’s history has consisted in the fact that our ancestors defended the purity of Orthodoxy. If we accept the thesis that we have the Catholic Church as a ‘Sister’, then, for example, the exploits of St. Alexander Nevsky lose meaning. Likewise the martyrdom of St. Patriarch Hermogen, and the activities of Minnia and Pozharsky. This would mean that is should have been completely normal to submit to Catholic conquerors, since we are ‘brothers’;

-Liberal ecumenism goes against the better examples of Russian culture, since Russian culture protected Orthodox values against Western expansion; which expansion spoils the quality of education and the motivation of the citizens of Russia to protect the Motherland.

-As already noted, the Vatican has recently become a catalyst for an increase in immorality and  unethical behaviour, which it teaches its flock by means of gradual steps and manipulative statements. I analyzed many texts of Catholic activists in Russia about morality–they are just like that, and often carry hidden meaning, and are in essence Russophobic and anti-state in character. Ecumenical contacts by the ROC will boost this effect in multiple streams.’ [6]

In other words, we conclude, Russia will pass away, as has happened to Poland, the USSR, and Ukraine.

With regard to the ‘historic meeting’, O. Cetverikova makes an identical warning: “This meting is seen by the people of the nation as an act of betrayal.  This radically changes the situation. This will lead to confusion in our Church, and since the Church is the spiritual foundation of our nation’s security, this will lead to very serious consequences in the system of our national and state security,” “This meeting is not only symbolic, but also mystical.” [7]

Similar thinking is expressed by V. Dimitrijevic: “This meeting is a great proof of how ecumenism eats away at Orthodox self-awareness, and the leaders are just too often made into world politicians in robes. Meeting with the arch-heretic of Rome is justified because of the situation in the Middle East, which is really a burning place, and which really needs help. However, will we find ‘help’ from the Pope? Whenever it comes from him, it is in actuality a curse; after his visit to the Church of the Holy Nativity in Bethlehem was there not a fire? Did one ever see Orthodox hierarchs joining with heretics to solve political issues, which, after all, are not something that can be solved by religious leaders, but are of the here and now; or to solve the banking crisis, which is a preparation for the arrival of the Antichrist?” [8]

Of course, the “Declaration” by the Patriarch and the Pope, in which they call “for immediate action to help Christians in Iraq and Syria,” and “that Europe retains its faith in its Christian roots,” remain a dead letter. What’s more; there will be just the opposite: flames of war, and with them the exodus of Christians and Muslims in the Middle East will further expand, and Europe will increasingly sink into its anti-Christian darkness, and, in particulary, into Anti-Orthodox – Anti-Russian Hatred.

All this is understandable. There is a spiritual legacy. “Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.” (Jer. 17:5) Unfortunately, but also happily, the ‘Orthodox’ masks from the faces of the President and the Patriarch have fallen off. So far, the symphony of the Russian Church and the Russian state made a good go upwards; she is [i.e. the Russian state], regardless of the sanctions and the economic crises been led to the restoration of dignity and pride for the Russians, and to consolidate and strengthen them in the formation of a strong, anti-globalization single bloc in the world.  Since the meeting of the Pope and the Patriarch, the movement of this curve went in the opposite direction. Patriarch Kirill’s ecumenism proved to be the Trojan horse for V. Putin’s anti-globalism, and their shared political and humanistic hope and faith in mankind; by their arrogance they have long since equated the two ideas, this being inspired by their master, Satan, as a Trojan horse to bring into Orthodox Russia.

“The point of no return has been crossed. Before our eyes we behold the mystical disaster that will have irreversible consequences in this world, and it will undoubtedly touch upon each of us. Further inaction of Orthodox people in this matter is a crime of complicity in the heresy of Judeo-Papism, and generally in the God-fighting heresies of ecumenism and globalism.” [9]

“So ended the ‘historic’ meeting of the Pope and the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The feeling is that the masks have fallen recently…now we can see a new, and perhaps last page in world history…” [10]

Notwithstanding the assurance of Pope Francis, that in “the dialogue was felt the presence of the Holy Spirit,” [11], in Havana, at the airport, God was not present. And without God, without the Holy Spirit, nothing can get out of time and into eternity; this meeting was ‘historic’ primarily because it remained in the shackles of time and death.  Also, after this meeting, because of reliance on a man, who, according to the warning of the Lord, brings a curse, the covering of God’s blessing was removed from Russia. The hope laid by President V. Putin and Pat. Cyril which they have laid in man, the man who lights the way for the religion of Antichrist and his prophet and fore-runner, has cause the overflowing of the cup of God’s wrath, which is first filled, overflows, and then spills because of these sins; now has begun a decline, and an empty public repentance. Now, however, follows the fire and the storm, followed by the starvation and disintegration of Russia.

But praises be to God, for according to the prophecies, Russia’s resurrection from the ashes will bring Holy Rus.

[1] Arhima. Dr. Nikodim (Bogosavljević) meeting Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francisco – yes or no ?, (12. 02. 2016).
[2] Papa Francisco: “Only Putin can save the Christians,” (12. 02. 2016).
[3] Is Putin “guilty” to meet the Patriarch and the Pope, (13 02. 2016). Also in .: Rade Jankovic, the Ninth Circuit, (16. 02. 2016).
[4] Vladimir Vasiliki (f.), The document calls the protivorečivye emotion, (14. 02. 2016). The text of the note of the Declaration of Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francisco, which fully corresponds to the spirit and letter of the document ratio Orthodox Church to the rest of the Christian world, prepared for the Great Parliament in Cyprus this year; v .: Sovmestnoe application Papy Rimskogo Francisco and Svâtejšego Patriarch Kirill, (14. 02. 2016).
[5] The Pope and Putin of ending the conflict in Syria, (13 02 . 2016).
[6] United Igor, O vstreche papy Patriarch, a half-unions and Volcom cathedral, -idruz.html (12. 02. 2016).
[7] Olga ÄŚetverikova, Why is the pope needed to meet our patriarch ?, (14. 02. 2016).
[8] Vladimir Dimitrijevic, the Pan-Orthodox sadness on the day of the Three Jerash: can papa help anyone?, Http:// (13. 02. 2016).
[9] “Orthodox front”, Address to Orthodox people of Russia, closer and further zagraniÄŤja, (13. 02. 2016).
[10] Nenarokov Dmitry (svas.), Procession of the Antichrist, ÄŤ. 2 (14. 02. 2016).
[11] “I assure you that in the dialogue I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit,” Papa Francisco and Russian Patriarch Kiril yesterday signed a declaration, Last night-signed-declaration / (13. 02. 2016).


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