TOC-R Metropolitan Seraphim of Moscow enters into Communion with Weird Liberal Head of “Montenegrin Orthodox Church”
Dedeic has removed St. Sava, St. Arsenius of Srijemac, and St. Stefan Nemanja from the Calendar.
For example, in Met. Michael Dedic’s Paschal Epistle for this year, 2022, he says the following:
“The Serbs with Nemanjici and Saint Sava are the means of the Greater Serbian doctrine and inhumane ideology and propaganda invented by the clero-nationalists to incite ware. Saint Sava is a schismatic who never said anywhere that he was a Serb or a Serbia.
“Saint Sava is more like a layman, instead, they raised the clergyman to the pedastal of sainthood as a Greater Serbian doctrine and produced under his name the conquering ideology of Justin Popovic and Rom Nikolaj Velimirovic. Always keep all this in mind, my dear Montenegrins!”
Questions about the sincerity or move of Dedeic away from his past have, as noted, been raised. Dedeic, only very recently, stated:
“With it, the Montenegrin Church was formally released from all ties and relations with the Belgrade Patriarchate. We expect all Orthodox churches to re-establish liturgical unity with our Church and thus confirm the bonds from time immemorial between our sister churches.
“And the Metropolitan of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Danilo, recently declared that the Montenegrin Church should also be recognize with autocephalous status. And Patriarch Bartholomew stated that the history of the Balkans should be studied again, hinting at new relations of peace and love between all sister Orthodox Church.”
Dedeic’s website also recently published an article by a liberal Montenegrin psychiatrist, a woman named Dr. Lilia Radulovic, who lives in New York City. We do not intend to go into the whole article, but only to point out the offensive attack on traditional Orthodox monarchy that is contained in it, wherein she says:
“Since the Romanov dynasty in the 17th century, Russians have had strongmen leaders who prefer their subjects repressed. To emotionally control the unhappy masses, these authoritarian tricksters often deflect national aggression externally. The result is a persistent ‘the world is out to get us’ motif.
“Meanwhile, Serbia’s roots trace to the crushing military defeat at the Battle of Kosovo in the late 14th century. In framing its national origin story in loss and humiliation, Serbian leaders justify portraying Serbs as eternal victims who historical wrongs must be righted.”
One need read the entire paper to see how completely one sided it is, based upon the Anti-Orthodox presumption of Western Liberalism invented in the 18th century, and its negative attitude to anything traditionally Orthodox. Why publish this on a website dedicated to Orthodoxy in Montenegro?
It seems unlikely, due to Metropolitan Seraphim of Moscow’s speeches, previous writings, words, and actions which demonstrate a strong Russian nationalism / patriotism, that he has a full knowledge of what exactly is being promoted by the Western Liberal-controlled “Montenegrin Orthodox Church”; Dedeic’s group countenances such outright attacks on traditional Orthodox Christian monarchical concepts, including insulting the Tsar-Martyr St. Nicholas of Russia, as well as the Holy Tsar-Martyr St. Lazr of Serbia.