Exarch of Belarus bows to Turin Shroud, calls for full unity with Pope

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митрополит Минский и Слуцкий ФиларетOn Tuesday, May 4, 2010, in Rome held a conference on “The Poor – a precious treasure of the Church. Orthodox and Catholics together in the way of mercy ministries “, organized by the Society of St. Edigiya. The participants discussed the most disadvantaged sectors of our society, deep into the heritage of the Fathers of the Church, and considered the problems caused by new social realities.
The Orthodox delegation was led by the Patriarchal Exarch of Belarus, Metropolitan Filaret. Speaking to the media, a senior hierarch of the Orthodox Church said that for Catholics and Orthodox is time to take decisive steps towards full unity. Both churches want this unity. This conclusion Metropolitan Filaret came in his own words, participating in fraternal dialogue and meetings with representatives of the Catholic Church, in which was a convergence of views on many issues.
As said Metropolitan Filaret, we all hope that the personal meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill is not far off. If such a meeting took place, she would become an unprecedented event for both Churches.
On Wednesday, Metropolitan Filaret traveled to Turin, and bowed to the Shroud of Turin. “The impression is so deeply – he said – that can not express the elation that you feel. Exarch of Belarus, also paid a visit to the Archbishop of Turin, Cardinal Severino Poletto.
May 19-20 at the Vatican will be “Days of Russian culture and spirituality.” Their main event will be a concert dedicated to Pope Benedict XVI – as a gift from the Patriarch Cyril. Among other things, will be performed and musical compositions of Metropolitan Hilarion, the son of Alphaeus – Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate.
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