ROCOR-A Glorifies Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) of Platina

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(source: The Synod of the ROCOR under Metropolitan Agafangel has glorified Fr Seraphim (Rose), a beloved hieromonk in America as well as Russia who reposed in 1982. His formal addition to the calendar will fall on the feast day the Bodiless Powers, which is also the feast day of St Philaret of New York, as well as the renowned Elder Theodore of Valaam. Fr Seraphim’s repose falls on August 19/September 2.

From the report translated in the source above:
Heard: The Chairman’s report on the preparation of the Synodal Representation of ROCOR in Odessa for the glorification of Hieromonk Seraphim on the feast day of the Archangel Michael and the Other Heavenly Bodiless Powers, November 8/21, 2024.

Resolved: To perform the glorification of Hieromonk Seraphim of Platina in the rank of the venerable. The location for the glorification shall be the Synodal Representation of ROCOR in Odessa. The date for the glorification is set for the feast day of the Archangel Michael and the Other Heavenly Bodiless Powers, November 8/21, 2024.”
While a formal council will likely be needed to catalogue all the new Saints of the True Russian Church worldwide, if history is any indicator, either the ROCOR-A glorification will be considered sufficient to add Fr Seraphim to the calendar or “competing glorifications” may be held as in the case of St Philaret of New York, who was glorified Synodally at least four times by different True Orthodox jurisdictions.
Holy Father Seraphim, pray unto God for us!
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