ROCOR-MP Parish in Toronto leaves MP, joins ROCOR-A

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From the ROCOR-A website, which lists the Church as the Church of the Holy Resurrection, though titled the Church of the Holy Ascension.  For those who have considered leaving World Orthodoxy but considered the difficulties insurmountable, God provides!    

A joyous event has occurred in our Russian Orthodox Church Abroad.  Exactly 4 years after the signing of the Act of the union of a part of the ROCA with the Moscow Patriarchate (MP), the ROCOR(MP) Church of the Holy Resurrection in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, has rejoined our Church.

During the week of the Samaritan Woman, the Right Reverend Andronik, Archbishop of Ottawa and Canada, received the parish and served with its rector, Fr. Georgiy Sachevskiy, and Protodeacon Job Chemerov.

ROCA members in Toronto, who did not have their own parish but had remained loyal to our Church Abroad, joined in the jubilant event. ROCA members from London, Ontario, who also did not have a church or a pastor, were also present.

The parishioners who had remained true to the ROCA for four years, but were left without a church or a priest, experienced much joy as they joined with the parishioners of the Resurrection parish.

Everyone felt a great spiritual uplifting during the service and it was like the joy felt on the first day of Pascha.  Many remarked that the presence of God’s blessing was strongly felt.
After the celebratory Divine Liturgy, Archbishop Andronik welcomed Fr. Georgiy and all the parishioners of the Church of the Holy Resurrection.

Fr. Georgiy then expressed his thanks to Archbishop Andronik.

A festive lunch was held after the Liturgy for all the parishioners and guests.

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