Italian Metropolia Elevates New Bishop

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Bp Seraphim (l.) Fr Victor (c.) Metr Onufrie (r.)

A third Bishop was elevated yesterday by the Italian Metropolia by Metropolitan Onufrie of Bergamo and Bp George of Sondrio. Bp Seraphim of Sicily and Central Italy, a native Italian clergyman, is now the third Bishop of the Synod. The consecration took place at the Metropolitan’s St John the Baptist Mission Church.

Bp Seraphim had been nominated as an Episcopal candidate June 1 (O.S.) during a Synodal meeting in Bergamo.

The Old Calendar Metropolia of Italy is the de facto successor to the Milan Synod and operates with the guidance of Metr John of New York (before the American Metropolia’s autonomy, the Metropolitan was the second-ranking Bishop of the Milan Synod), who blessed the re-establishment of the European mission May 7 (N.S.) of this year. Metropolitan Onufrie sent a note of humble gratitude to Metropolitan John for his support in the restoration of the Church in Italy.

Many Years!

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